Mobiltelefoner och penna.

Attestation of detention

Attestation of detention

Through our global network, we can help you to search for missing family members in most places in the world.

Prisoners of war, political prisoners or other detainees who have been visited, and registered by, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) during their captivity can request a certificate confirming this.

The certificate is issued by the ICRC and contains information about the prisoner's identity as well as when and where the person was detained, held, and released. 

The ICRC only issues certificates if they themselves have registered the person. If the person was imprisoned in a prison where the ICRC was not allowed to visit, no certificate can be issued. Only one original certificate of captivity is issued. In some cases, the person who received a certificate, but lost it, can receive a copy of the original certificate. A certificate issued by the ICRC must be handed over personally to the applicant. 

Only the person who has him/herself been imprisoned can request a certificate. To do so, personal contact with the Swedish Red Cross is required. 

Start by contacting us by phone. You need to be able to tell us:

  • If you were visited by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)?
  • If yes, do you still have the registration number?
  • Where were you imprisoned and for what period of time?
  • Do you still have an ID or passport document from your home country?
  • Your full name.

Contact us

Migration Advisory Phone Service
Wednesdays 09:00 - 12:00 a.m.
Phone number 020 - 41 50 00


Contact us by using our contact form


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