Ankomst till Sverige.

Newly arrived in Sweden – Good to know

Newly arrived in Sweden – Good to know

Here you will find helpful information if you are a newcomer to Sweden.

How to apply for asylum

The Swedish Migration Agency is responsible for questions regarding residence permit, work permit and citizenship.

Read more: Applying for asylum

Read more: If you are a refugee from Ukraine

Support from the Red Cross

Medical care

If you are in need of medical care but do not have permission to stay in Sweden, we can provide help and support for you to get in touch with health authorities.

Read more: Care for undocumented immigrants

Information and legal advice support on asylum and family reunification

We give advice and provide information to the public. Our phone line is open every Wednesday, between 9am and 12 noon.

Call us on: 020-415 000

For other questions to the Swedish Red Cross, please send an email to:

If you are subjected to violence and coercion 

Contact the Police here

If you, or anyone you know, has been subjected to violence and/or coercion, you should report it to the Police. If the situation is urgent and a crime is in progress, call 112. If it is not urgent, you can contact the Police on tel: +46 77 114 14 00.

When so many people are fleeing at the same time, you may come across some people who seem helpful but who, in reality, want to exploit the situation. You may be at risk of human trafficking. Remember that someone may be trying to take advantage of your situation.

Safe Havens 

The Salvation Army provides legal advice and support, and can also offer safe housing if you are the victim of human trafficking.

Tel. 073-920 68 17 

The Swedish National Women’s Helpline 

You can call the Swedish National Women’s Helpline for support and information if you have been beaten, threatened, abused, or forced to have sex against your will. The telephone number for the Swedish National Women’s Helpline is 020-50 50 50

RFSL Support Service – for LGBTQI people at risk of violence

If you are LGBTQI and have been subjected to harassment, threats, and violence, you can contact the RFSL Support Service. The things that have happened to you may be criminal acts, but this is not always the case. Family members and friends of LGBTQI people who have been subjected to violence are also welcome, as are people who come into contact, in the course of their work, with LGBTQI people who have been subjected to violence.

The RFSL Support Service can provide counselling and support in Swedish, English, Arabic, and Spanish. If other languages are needed, we bring in interpreters. Calls are free and we are open on Thursdays between 9am and 12 noon. If you call outside of these hours, please leave a message.

Tel 020-34 13 16. You can also email us at

Guide - learn more about Sweden

Here you can find more information about Sweden

If you are a refugee from Ukraine

If you’re fleeing the war in Ukraine, you can apply for a residence permit under the EU’s Mass Refugee Directive. The permit gives you temporary refuge in Sweden and the right to work there. You are also entitled to seek medical help and children have the right to attend school. The Swedish Migration Agency can help you with accommodation and financial support. Find out more here:  


To the Swedish Migration Agency in Ukrainian


To the Swedish Migration Agency in Russian

Ukraine: IOM Hotlines (ГАРЯЧІ ЛІНІЇ МОМ) for persons affected by the war

IOM hotlines

You are entitled to medical and health care

If you have entered Sweden as a refugee from Ukraine, you are entitled to the same medical, health, and dental care as asylum seekers. To gain access to this care, you must first register with the Swedish Migration Agency. This applies to both children and adults. You will also be offered a health check. Even if you are not registered with the Swedish Migration Agency, you are still entitled to urgent care or treatment.

The Public Health Agency of Sweden's fact sheet in Ukrainian to the person who is to be vaccinated.

Asylsökande man kramar dotter i lila tröja

Support for Asylum Seekers

Läs mer om support for asylum seekers