Man håller barn i famnen.

Return support

Return support

It is a human right to apply for asylum in another country and have your reasons for asylum examined. In Sweden, you apply for asylum at the Swedish Migration Agency.

We work to ensure that individuals who are refused asylum are able to return in a humane and dignified manner. Everyone who needs to return is entitled to correct and neutral advice and information, what rules apply and what support is available.

We provide individual and needs based support to individuals whose asylum application has been refused and face possible return. Depending on the situation we may provide the following support:

  • Neutral information and advice.
  • Legal representation in individual cases. 
  • Psychosocial support.
  • Practical assistance before returning to one’s country of origin, for example assistance in acquiring documents, certificates and support in contacts with authorities. 
  • Help to contact the Red Cross or Red Crescent in country or origin for information before return and support in contacting authorities and other organizations. 
  • Practical help in the country of origin in form of advice, pick-up at the airport, food packages or provision of other basic needs. 

Strengthened support for individuals

The Swedish Red Cross continues to strengthen support for individuals who are expected to return due to refusal of asylum applications in Sweden through the AMIRA II (Assisting Migrants in Return and Asylum) project, funded by the EU fund AMIF (2023-2025) The project focuses on strengthening the individual's resilience through legal, psychosocial and practical support for return – in Sweden and on an international level.

Contact us

Migration Advisory Service
Wednesdays 09:00 - 12:00 a.m.
Phone number 020 - 41 50 00. 
Contact form

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Bakhuvudet på man med mobil

To those of you who meet people whose asylum application has been rejected

Read about asylum and returnees
Man i beige vindjacka pratar i mobil

Get support for asylum, tracing, family reunification and return.

Asylum and migration