Man from International Red Cross and Red Crescent talking on phone.

Contact the Swedish Red Cross – asylum and migration

Contact the Swedish Red Cross – asylum and migration

Choose what you need help with and write what your case is about. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Want to talk to us? Call us on Wednesdays from 09:00 to 12:00 at 020-415 000.

You can choose to be contacted in Swedish or English. Once we receive your request, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note! To get help from the Swedish Red Cross, you must be in Sweden. If you're outside Sweden, please contact the Red Cross or Red Crescent in the country you're in: National Society directory | IFRC

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I want to be contacted at a specific time

I hereby consent to the use and storage of my personal data and declare my agreement with the Data Protection Policy of the Swedish Red Cross

I hereby consent to the use and storage of my personal data and declare my agreement with the Data Protection Policy of the Swedish Red Cross

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