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Treatment Centre

Treatment Centre

At the Red Cross treatment centres we help people who are suffering from trauma linked to war, torture, and/or severe migration journeys.

Treatment Centres for Persons Affected by War and Torture

At our Treatment Centres for Persons Affected by War and Torture, we help people coping with the trauma of torture, armed conflict and difficult experiences linked to migration.

Trauma from torture, armed conflict and/or difficult migratory trails can affect a person for life, but the right treatment improves a person’s chances of being able to move forward in their lives. The staff at the Swedish Red Cross Treatment Centres for Persons Affected by War and Torture have extensive experience. Get in touch with us for help and support.

Contact the treatment centre closest to you:


How we work

Our treatment centres employ multidisciplinary teams consisting of psychologists and psychotherapists, physiotherapists, counsellors, doctors, and interpreters.

The centres take a holistic approach centred around the individual and his/her needs. Our teams have broad expertise in various treatment methods and specialisations, and an individual treatment plan is drawn up for each patient. The main part of the treatment is psychotherapeutic, but as a patient you often meet with several therapists to receive relevant physiotherapeutic treatment, as well as medical and counselling support. The treatment is offered either individually or in group.

Who can apply for our support?

  • People with a refugee background who are coping with trauma from torture, war, and/or difficult refugee experiences.
  • All our treatment centres accept adult patients (ages 18 and older).
  • At some centres, children and adolescents can also receive treatment.
  • We accept people regardless of their legal status, i.e., asylum seekers and undocumented migrants, as well as people with residence permits in Sweden and Swedish citizens with a refugee background.

Torture injury investigations

We also conduct torture injury investigations to document torture-related injuries. Torture injury investigations include a psychosocial as well as a psychological and a somatic/medical component. For these investigations, we use the internationally recognised Istanbul Protocol – a manual for the effective medical, psychological, and legal investigation and documentation of torture.

Practical information

  • Our treatment centres do not have an emergency ward – for acute problems, we refer you to a health centre or hospital.
  • There is currently waiting time for treatment.
  • Treatment is always free of charge to those who seek our support.
  • If necessary, we can arrange an interpreter.
  • People who want care and treatment are normally referred to us from another healthcare facility, but most centres accept self-referrals. For referrals and questions – please see the information page of the treatment centre you wish to contact.